Staff Contacts for the New England Region

A lighthouse on the coast at sunset with 'New England Region Staff Contacts' superimposed in white lettering.

Your New England Region UUA staff provides coaching, consulting, facilitation, training, and resources for healthy, vital Unitarian Universalist ministries. Contact us when your church leadership wants to talk, share, or ask questions about ANY aspect of congregational life. Please see church and contact by state, below; or contact our main office at or 617-948-6415. Our support is made possible by generous gifts from member congregations.

The listings below include church name, city, state and your primary contact's name, email and UUA phone number. Congregations are listed in alphabetical order by city.

Program Team

Program staff are often the first and primary source of support, counsel and information for lay and professional leaders. Our time is largely devoted to

  • individual and group consultations and coaching
  • board/leadership retreat facilitation
  • conflict transformation
  • support for ministers and congregations in ministerial transition
  • search and settlement support for interim, part-time and consulting ministries
  • support for lifespan religious education and faith formation
  • consultation on congregation-based justice ministries
  • small congregations support and congregational collaborations
  • consultation and referrals on strengthening congregational stewardship
  • designing and delivering learning events

Administrative Team

All administrative staff are available to take your calls and answer general questions by phone or email. They provide assistance with events information and registrations; invoices and payments; records, web postings, and more. They also each have their area of specialty or focus. Please check the contact numbers to the right to see if your question or concern might most easily be addressed by a particular person, or simply call the office at (617) 948-6415 or email

Our Core Purpose

With founding dates that stretch back to the seventeenth century, New England Unitarian Universalist congregations carry a long history rooted in the Cambridge Platform of 1648. In keeping with recommendations made in that document, New England Regional staff encourages and supports our congregations to take a deep interest in each other; to consider best practices together; to model spiritual leadership with one another; and to share their stories of doubt, risk and transformation. By cultivating connections among our congregations, we seek to inspire new and innovative models of doing church and coach existing congregations to a deeper and a wider practice of faith, hope and love.

NER map

Connect with Us!

Contact any member of our New England Regional Staff Team to start a conversation about any aspect of congregational life.

Hilary Allen
Congregational Life Staff 
(617) 948-4257

Erica Baron
Congregational Life Staff
(617) 948-4604

Wren Bellavance-Grace
Congregational Life Staff 
(617) 948-4258

Evin Carvill Ziemer
Regional Developmental Lead 
(617) 948-4328

Emily Cherry
Congregational Life Staff 
(617) 948-4236

Heather Janules
Congregational Life Staff
(617) 948-6457

Sherri Lysy
Administration and Finance Manager
(617) 948-6430

Art Nava
Congregational Life Staff
(617) 948-4313

Christine Purcell
Transitions Program Manager 
(617) 948-6125