Pulpit Supply
"Worship planning—not just leading the service—is an act of hospitality. Set that tone through collaboration: you’re the essence of hospitality to, and for, guest ministers (and other guest speakers). You’re also the ambassador for the entire congregation."
-UUA Guest Preaching Best Practices (PDF)
Find an officiant or lay leader to provide a sermon or worship service as well as services for other events. Our pulpit supply list is generated by ministers in fellowship, UU religious educators, aspirants, candidates, lay leaders, and clergy from other traditions located throughout the region. NER does a periodic internal review of the list and we do require references for lay leaders and clergy from other traditions, however we do not endorse any particular listing. Contacts are listed in alphabetical order by last name.
If you would like to submit your information for inclusion, please fill out this form (Google). Please note, there are certain requirements depending on your category; more information can be found on the form. It is the submitters' responsibility to ensure all information and references are received. NER reserves the right to not include a submission on the list. If you need to update or remove your listing, contact Sherri Lysy at (617) 948-6415, slysy@uua.org.
Pulpit Supply List
View our ministers interested in pulpit supply list (Google sheet). Included are ministers in fellowship, aspirants, candidates, clergy from other traditions, and lay leaders interested in in-person pulpit supply.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the standard fee paid to individuals offering pulpit supply to congregations?
Please review the scale of minimum fees for professional services recommended by the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association (UUMA). Ministers in fellowship, aspirants, and candidates should be paid accordingly for their professional services. Lay presenters and clergy from other traditions set their own fees that range from an exchange service to expenses to a flat fee. It is up to each presenter to negotiate appropriate remuneration with the congregation. Please note, those who provide an entire service should receive a higher payment than those who provide only a sermon. - What is expected of us when we host a guest preacher in our pulpit?
Hosting a guest in your pulpit is an act of hospitality as much as it is the opportunity to provide a meaningful worship experience for your congregation. Review these Best Practices for Guest Preachers in Unitarian Universalist Pulpits (PDF) to help set mutual expectations between hosts and guest preachers. - Is this Pulpit Supply also for virtual offerings?
This list is for in-person pulpit supply only. If you are looking for virtual pulpit supply, please reference the UUMA's Virtual Pulpit Guest Database on their website.