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  • Over 500 years ago, European governments adopted something called the Doctrine of Discovery: any lands and resources not already ruled by a European Christian monarch automatically became the property of whatever government whose subjects traveled to and occupied the territory. This Doctrine of...
    Homily | By Kristin Grassel Schmidt | November 25, 2016 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), 2nd Principle (Justice, Equity, & Compassion), 5th Principle (Conscience & Democracy), 7th Principle (Interconnected Web), Activism, America, Anti-Oppression, Brokenness, Direct Experience, Earth, History, Indigenous American, Privilege, Prophetic Words & Deeds, Race/Ethnicity, Solidarity, Spirituality
  • Is the world getting more connected or more fragmented? Facebook, in conjunction with the University of Milan, recently announced that there were only 4.74 "degrees of separation" among its 700 million users (representing 10% of the world's population). That contrasts with the famous six degrees...
    Homily | By Gary Kowalski | January 25, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 2nd Principle (Justice, Equity, & Compassion), 6th Principle (World Community), Community, Friendship, Homecoming / Ingathering, Interdependence, Solidarity
  • When we remember those whom we have loved and lost, help us to remember also, O God, how great a privilege is human loving, and that not to have loved at all would have been loss far greater still. Amen. “What’s a soul?” Not a question Unitarian Universalists ask very often. We are more likely...
    Sermon | By John A. Buehrens | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Grief, Growth, Healing, Purpose, Solidarity
  • Every June, representatives of the congregations in the Unitarian Universalist Association gather for the annual General Assembly. Each year as we do so, we try to shed some light on a local issue of justice, and we invite people of all faiths to join us in working to make our world a better place.
    Sermon | By Michael J. Tino | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), Anti-Oppression, Caring, Immigration, Justice, Secular, Solidarity, Unitarian Universalism, Anti-Oppression, Immigration