Embracing Possibility in Times of Change
"We know from these last several years the challenge, the loss, and the creativity and possibility of these transitional times. In liminal times, there's always a risk that fear and anxiety will dominate and lead people to cling more tightly to what has been." —Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, UUA President

What does it mean for us as Unitarian Universalists to live as a people of hope and imagination—especially during in-between times? How can we challenge ourselves (and each other) to learn and grow in uncertain times?
This collection of on-demand worship videos (PDF) includes discussion questions and bios of participants.
Both Rev. Susan's sermon and the other videos were created especially for congregations experiencing ministerial transition. However, any UU congregation grappling with change will find the collection useful and meaningful.
Please note: many worship leaders have expressed a desire for video components, rather than a full-length worship service, as congregations explore multi-platform worship. Worship leaders are encouraged to use elements from this collection as they wish, incorporating them into their congregation's existing worship culture.