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  • My friend Sue has a son with autism who is now 19 years old. When Adam was younger (8–13) and when they would go to the grocery store, he would inevitably make a scene because he would want his parents to buy something he couldn’t have. This would be no ordinary scene of power play and wielding...
    Sermon | By Laurie Thomas | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), Body, Children, Direct Experience, Disability, Honesty, Illness, Multiculturalism, Parents, Relationships, Respect, Unitarian Universalism
  • Pity the poor dandelion. It is, in many ways, nature’s perfect plant. With a tap root that grows more than a foot long, it can survive in climates of scorching heat and bitter cold. Its tender, young greens make a tasty addition to any salad, or they can be boiled like fiddleheads or as a tea...
    Sermon | By Peter Friedrichs | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Acceptance, America, Anti-Oppression, Immigration, Respect, Anti-Oppression, Immigration
  • The first step is to notice the mountain. It is there. And it belongs to a range of mountains. There’s no going around it. The next step is to reach the kind of acceptance that has us praying in our hearts: "Lord, I don’t ask you to move the mountain, just give me the strength to climb." The...
    Sermon | By Paul R Beedle | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Anti-Oppression, Diversity, Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday, Race/Ethnicity, Respect, Responsibility, Service