Tapestry of Faith, Wonderful Welcome, Session 16 JPEG illustration for A Barn-raising in the City

Coloring Sheets for K-1 Stories!

Two Tapestry of Faith programs, Creating Home and Wonderful Welcome, now provide a black-and-white, original illustration to use as a coloring sheet for each core story. Invite kindergarten/1st grade children to color while they hear a story. Or, have them color afterward to revisit the characters and what happened.

Online, each illustration is presented alongside its story so that you can download and copy the single sheet. Also, a multi-page packet of drawings is available for all the stories in Creating Home (PDF, 18 pages) and another for all the stories in Wonderful Welcome (PDF, 17 pages).

Above: Illustration (coloring sheet) by Paul Gray for "A Barn-raising in the City," the Session 16 story in Wonderful Welcome.

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  • We gratefully acknowledge Dawn Publications for permission to use the text of the children's picture book The Tree in the Ancient Forest by Carol Reed-Jones. This is the ancient forest. This is the three-hundred-year-old tree That grows in the ancient forest....
    Story | By Carol Reed-Jones | July 3, 2013 | For Multigenerational | From Circle of Trees
    Tagged as: 7th Principle (Interconnected Web), Animals, Balance, Connections, Earth-Centered, History, Interdependence, Nature, Relationships, Science, Wholeness, Wonder