What are the DVDs?
The Sexuality and Our Faith DVDs for Grades 7-9 and for Grades 10-12 are designed for use only in Unitarian Universalist and United Church of Christ congregations that choose to use them. They are optional. Comprehensive and effective sexuality education programs can be conducted without these visuals. The Grade 7-9 DVD consists of a series of black and white hand-drawn images of anatomy, lovemaking, and masturbation. The DVD includes an audio narration which can be played as well as a script which can be read by the facilitators. The Grade 10-12 DVD is approximately 20 minutes long and consists of three sections: "Our Bodies," "Sexual Response/ Masturbation," and "Lovemaking/ Relationships." The DVD is narrated and combines still images with art. Both DVDs seek to underscore the values of the curriculum, and to answer participants’ questions about what sexual anatomy and activity look like in an environment of responsibility, respect, safety, and trust.