Workshop 8: Families Function: Families Eat Part of Families, Jr. High School In This Section Introduction to Workshop 8 From Families Eating together is important family time; it validates the importance in family and offers good socialization, which is very important. - Gale Mills In this session, participants explore food and families. The meaning of food in the lives of families, with inherent joys and tensions, is realized... Session-at-a-Glance: Workshop-at-a-Glance From Families Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 5 Activity 1: Foods Continuum Game 10 Activity 2: Food and Family: A Discussion 10 Activity 3: Food Skits 15 Activity 4: Food Feast 15 Faith in Action: Weight Discrimination 30 Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1: The Poetry of Food and Family 10... Spiritual Preparation From Families Many of us have a love/hate relationship with food. We eat more than we should or we do not eat enough. We make food choices that are not healthy. We become victims of cultural messages about food. It is so easy to pass on to younger people the negative messages about food and our bodies. Food is... Welcoming and Entering From Families Materials for Activity Pictures of food clipped from magazines, grocery store circulars, and the like Poster board or paper Markers Glue sticks Preparation for Activity Collect images of food from popular magazines and grocery store circulars. Set out images of food, markers, and glue sticks.... Opening From Families Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice and matches Mac Hammond's "Thanksgiving," poem #119 from Poetry 180, or another humorous poem about food Description of Activity Chalice Lighting Gather participants in a circle. Light the chalice, and say the words provided below, youths'... Activity 1: Foods Continuum Game From Families Activity time: 10 minutes Description of Activity This game invites participants to have fun while thinking about food. Delineate a continuum space in the room. Read the prompts, designating one side of the continuum space for one choice and the opposite side for the other.... Activity 2: Food And Family: A Discussion From Families Activity time: 10 minutes Description of Activity Tell participants that your focus today will primarily be about families and food. You might start by asking some discussion-generating questions. Use the following prompts as you see fit. What do you like to eat?... Activity 3: Food Skits From Families Activity time: 15 minutes Preparation for Activity If you plan to do use youth leaders, recruit them in advance of the session. Description of Activity This activity can be ably led by youth. In this activity participants enter into the life of a family by "acting out" a food-related story or issue. Activity 4: Food Feast From Families Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Table set-up for the feast, including flatware, plates, napkins, and cups Food and drink (pre-arranged and prepared) Preparation for Activity Contact leaders and participants and ask them to bring foods that are part of their family life. Sending a... Closing From Families Activity time: 5 minutes Description of Activity Gather participants in a closing circle. Pragmatics: Remind participants of any logistics for the upcoming Family Event 2. Arrange and/or confirm youth co-leaders for next session (optional).... Leader Reflection and Planning From Families Confirm arrangements for Family Event 2, which will take place before the next session. Copy Handout 6, Consent Form, for Family Event photography. Send e-mail reminders to youth about write-backs and photography responsibilities for Family Event 2. Invite church staff to Family Event 2. Make... Faith In Action: Weight Discrimination From Families Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity Guest speaker (optional) Handout 1, An Interview with Hanne Blank (optional) Preparation for Activity Consider inviting a guest to speak on weight discrimination.... Alternate Activity 1: The Poetry Of Food And Family From Families Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 1,Background for Writing Poetry with Youth Handout 2, Writing Poetry: Some Methods Jane Kenyon's "Biscuit," poem #55, or Robert Hershon's "Sentimental Moment or Why Did the Baguette Cross the Road," poem #70, available from Billy... Taking It Home: Families Function: Families Eat From Families Eating together is important family time; it validates the importance in family and offers good socialization, which is very important. - Gale Mills DURING TODAY'S SESSION... We looked at family life through a single lens: that of food. We explored this topic with a continuum game, skits, and... Interview with Hanne Blank From Families Excerpt from an interview conducted and published by Advocates for Youth (permission pending). June 22, 2001,10:30 a.m. Hanne: Well, not only have I been a musician, historian, and writer, I've always been a fat person.... Writing Poetry Some Methods From Families Method One: Writing a Tercet In a tercet, every other line rhymes. A tercet is a form of poetry that has three-line stanzas in which the first and third lines rhyme. The second line is a blank, unrhymed line. Most poets string multiple tercets together to form a poem.... Writing Poetry with Youth From Families Anything goes into poetry. There are rules, but you don't need to know them; even if you know them, you can break them. Poet Janet Wong, 2002 Why write poetry with youth? In many congregations, poetry is incorporated into services and ceremonies.... 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