Alternate Activity 1: The Poetry Of Food And Family
Part of Families
Activity time: 10 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Leader Resource 1,Background for Writing Poetry with Youth
- Handout 2, Writing Poetry: Some Methods
- Jane Kenyon's "Biscuit," poem #55, or Robert Hershon's "Sentimental Moment or Why Did the Baguette Cross the Road," poem #70, available from Billy Collins's Poetry 180 collection
- Lined paper
- Pens/pencils
Preparation for Activity
- Photocopy Handout 2, Writing Poetry: Some Methods, for all participants
- Print out poems from the Poetry 180 website.
Description of Activity
Invite participants to write their own poems about families and food. Begin by reading a poem about food, perhaps one of the suggested poems from Poetry 180. Ask participants to reflect on the poem.
Distribute pencils, paper, and copies of Handout 2 to participants. Encourage them to review the handout or simply to begin writing freely. Provide support and encouragement.