Ten Suggestions to Get Involved

Climate Action Teams (CATs) adopt strategies and tactics appropriate for their community. To organize these strategies and tactics, CATs are encouraged to utilize the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office (UU-UNO) “Strategic Plan Worksheet (PDF)” and read the following suggested activities.
Congregation Awareness
- CAT Education and News
Maintain a CAT bulletin board and submit regular newsletter items. Add climate change news and information to your CAT’s blog. Visit the UU-UNO Climate Justice Informational Resources page for additional resources. Discuss links between climate and other social justice
issues. - Climate Change Events
Organize informational events or seminars. Screen films about climate change and climate justice issues. Invite a climate activist to give a talk. Organize plays or musical performances with climate change themes. Hold a fundraiser. - Climate Change Curriculum
Incorporate climate change curricula into your congregation’s religious education program. The UU-UNO Climate Justice Initiative has created a Climate Change Religious Education Curriculum that is available for congregations to use, or you can develop your own climate change curricula and share with our office!
Congregational Engagement
- Climate Action Statements
Formulate a climate action statement, discuss it with other groups to achieve consensus, and vote to adopt it as congregational policy. - Intergenerational Climate Projects
Work with UU youth and young adults to develop community engagement projects and programming on climate change. - Carbon Footprint Plan
Adopt a congregational plan to lower individual and congregation carbon footprints and advertise this to the community.
Beyond Your Congregation
- CAT Connections
Participate in the international UU CAT network. Develop your CAT's blog to share information about climate change and your CAT's advocacy with the rest of the UU CAT community. Join other CATs in UU-UNO climate change projects. Participate in CAT conference calls. Join the Climate Action Team Facebook group for CAT leaders and members. - Partnerships
Join faith-based or environmental organizations to form community climate initiatives. Participate in joint action climate activities such as working groups, workshops, discussion panels or seminars. - Media
Build support and spread awareness by connecting to print and online media sources. Actively counter climate disinformation. - Campaigns
Advocate for climate change action at the local, state, national, and international level. Attend and organize rallies, letter writing sessions, climate action petitions and other climate events. Bring your campaign to the United Nations. Tell the UU-UNO about the advocacy points you want voiced at the UN.