Adding Content from the UUA WordPress Theme Demo Site

Part of Documentation

Adding content from the UUA Theme Demo Site is a great way to get a jumpstart on building your site. The menus and text have all been tested with users and will get you headed down the right track. You can download a file containing all the content from the demo site, minus the content in the widgets on the homepage, in the sidebars, and the footer.

We encourage you to personalize your downloaded content to make your site show up higher in the list in local Google searches.

Note: Be sure to install the UUA theme before importing the content or you’ll get a lot of “content can’t be imported errors.”

Follow these steps:

  1. Make a backup of your WordPress database. Importing the sample content may overwrite pages that you’d like to keep. If you have a backup, you can restore the backup to put your site content back the way it was before the import.
  2. Download the Sample UUA Theme Content File (right-click on the link and choose Save Link As). This file, which is called something like yourunitarianuniversalistcongregation.wordpress.xml includes all the pages, posts, menus, etc. Note that it does not include the widgets, so you’ll need to set those up separately.
  3. In the WordPress dashboard, go to Tools > Import. If this is the first time you’ve imported content into WordPress, you’ll probably need to install the WordPress Importer Plugin first: Under the WordPress heading, click “Install Now”. The link changes to be “Run Importer”; click it again to start the import process.
  4. Upload the file you previously downloaded. Click “Choose File” or “Browse” to specify the file and then click “Upload file and import”.
  5. Assign the content from that site’s users to your own users. WordPress detects that the imported pages and posts belong to users that do not exist on your site, and asks you which user to assign them to. Choose an existing username, or create a new one. Click Submit.
    Note: Do not check the box to import attached files (we don’t have rights for you to use those images on your own site).
  6. Visit your Settings > Permalinks page to refresh the permalinks (not always necessary). Strangely, just visiting this page accomplishes this. There’s nothing to click.