Building Your Website Content Using the UUA WordPress Theme

The UUA WordPress Theme for Congregations help display effective content on your congregation's site using widgets and plugins that keep the homepage up to date, organize your staff listings, and display lists of future and past worship services.

But what about the actual content of the pages? You can download sample text for specific pages, available with the download from the demo site.

Whether you start with the content of your existing website or the sample content, you need to build and maintain your pages:

How to Add Specific Kinds of Content

  1. Add news posts by clicking Posts > Add New in your Dashboard
  2. Add event pages by clicking Events > Add Event in your Dashboard
  3. Add Sunday service information for past and future Sundays by creating services pages, following these directions for the UUA Services plugin
  4. Add ministers and staff by creating a staff page for each one by clicking Staff > Add New in your Dashboard
  5. Add testimonials (member stories about what your congregation means to them) by clicking Testimonials > Add New from the Dashboard.