Suggested Image List for Congregational Websites

The following is a list of images we recommend you gather to upload to your site. See Using Images Well for guidance on the qualities of a good image, and Sources for UU Images for ideas on gathering images.

Photo Size and Format

Images on the site, generally speaking, should be in jpg or jpeg format and should never be smaller than 680 pixels wide. That way they are flexible enough to show up well in any area of your site.

Your Logo Size and Format

Your logo should be at least 400 pixels wide, ideally in a PNG format. Ideal dimensions are 450px x 100px.

Photo Listing by Page

If you are using the UUA WordPress Theme's menu structure, here are ideas for photos for each page.

Photo Listing by Page
Homepage Your logo | One to three .jpg images for the feature, or one .mp4 video | images for the three feature boxes | other images are generated by Testimonials and Staff plugins
About Us A photo of people, facing the camera, looking warm and welcoming.
Our Mission and Vision A photo of people doing mission-related work, or a photo from the mission/vision workshops where the congregation created them.
Our Beliefs Many kinds of photos could be suitable for this page: an image of books from the six sources, children and adults worshipping together, people taking action, and more.
About Unitarian Universalism Many kinds of photos could be suitable for this page: an image of books from the six sources, children and adults worshipping together, people taking action, and more.
UU Principles & Sources Images may include people holding signs with the principles or principles graphics (such as these graphics created by Ellen Rockett).
Kids Principles Images may include children engaging with the principles, or children’s principle-related artwork.
Our Stories Photos of people in your congregation, with some language about how people of many backgrounds follow diverse paths to a UU identity.
Member Testimonials Photos of the people whose testimonials are featured.
Our Symbol: The Flaming Chalice A photo of the flaming chalice your congregation uses in worship.
Congregational History Historical photos and graphics from the congregation.
Our Minister and Staff Pictures of each of the ministers and staff. These are loaded into the Staff plugin.
subpages for individual ministers/staff Generated by the Staff plugin 
Our Elected Leaders A group photo of the congregation’s board, if you have them, a group photo of other committees.
Our Governance A photo of the annual meeting or another kind of photo that shows democracy and consensus-building at work.
An LGBTQ-Welcoming Congregation A photo of your rainbow flag, your participation in Pride events, or LGBTQ people from your congregation. Or the LGBTQ-Welcoming Congregation image that comes with the Theme.
A Green Sanctuary A photo of your green sanctuary-related work: green features of the building, worship and service for environmental justice, advocacy for climate justice, etc.
Location A photo of the building: exterior to help people find it, interior to get a feel for what’s inside.
Accessiblity A photo (or photos) of the building’s accessibility features.
Rentals A photo (or photos) of the spaces available for rent.
Contact An image of members, ministers, staff, and/or congregants looking warm and welcoming.
Congregation News

No pictures necessary other than the pictures that appear in the individual news items and events.

Submit an Event
Newsletter No image necessary.
About Worship A photo of worship in your congregation, showing a range of ages, genders, and ethnicities.
Upcoming Worship Services No photo necessary.
What to Expect in Worship Another photo of worship in your congregation, showing one or more of its common elements (e.g. Time for All Ages, Chalice Lighting, singing)
Past Worship Services No photo necessary.
Holidays and Traditions Photos from holidays and traditions you celebrate, such as Christmas, Coming-of-Age ceremonies, Passover seders, etc.
Music and Choir Photos of the congregation’s musicians and singers performing.
Child Dedications A photo of a child dedication in your congregation.
Weddings A photo of a wedding in your building and/or with your minister presiding.
Memorial Services and Funerals A photo of a bouquet from a memorial service, or of the minister’s hands holding the hands of someone else.
Learning Overview A photo of people of many ages, smiling and learning in a warm and welcoming way.

Photos of people in these various age groups participating in the congregation’s programs. Pictures of teachers, classrooms, artwork, and service work are also relevant.

Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Younger Adults
Older Adults
Justice Overview Photos of people in the congregation changing the world: working for justice through advocacy, activism, and community service.
Social Justice Photos of people working for justice.
Green Action Photos of people taking action for climate justice.
Service Projects Photos of people engaged in community service projects.
Connection Overview A photo of people looking connected to one another across difference.
Small Group Ministry Photo not needed, but welcome if you have pictures of small group ministry or covenant groups meeting.
Affinity Groups Photo not needed, but welcome if you have pictures of some of your affinity groups doing their activities.
Pastoral Care Photo(s) of the congregation’s pastoral caregivers, whether they are clergy or a team of members.
Caring Committee Photo not needed, but welcome if you have photos of people bringing food or sharing rides.
Become a member A picture from a new member ceremony or event would be appropriate here.
Volunteer Include pictures of volunteers at work, in the congregation and beyond.
Donate A photo of people, facing the camera, looking warm and welcoming.