Email Tips
Most congregations have moved completely to emailed communications (with exceptions for accessibility where a paper version might be needed). This has given congregations flexibility and saved money and natural resources.
It's important to be strategic about how often to communicate.
Timely Information
- Having a weekly "e-blast" that goes out mid-week can share information about the weekend's Sunday service and other upcoming events.
- Send out a short email on Sunday morning with just the service information as a courtesy.
Non-Timely Information
- Staff columns, stories about past events, updates from the board/teams/committees should be sent in a format that signals that it doesn't need to be read immediately. These types of items can go at the end of the weekly "e-blast" or in a separate, magazine-like publication.
Emailed Newsletter Services
- Most congregations find it helpful to subscribe to an online email system to send out attractive email newsletters, announcements and communications. They allow you to track "open rates" so you can see how many people are seeing your communications.
The following vendors are used by many congregations:
- Most congregations find it helpful to subscribe to an online email system to send out attractive email newsletters, announcements and communications. They allow you to track "open rates" so you can see how many people are seeing your communications.