Growing Membership
Need resources and ideas for growing your membership? This new training can help!
Tending Congregational Life: Guiding the Membership Journey is our first post-lockdown “growth and vitality” resource, in collaboration with the UU Association of Membership Professionals (UUAMP). Instead of focusing on growth for its own sake, we focus on the transformative power that Unitarian Universalism has in people’s lives and how our congregations can be provide a welcoming and inclusive experience for everyone who comes through our doors.
People come to Unitarian Universalist congregations seeking connection and authentic community in a wider culture that is filled with patterns of individualism, transactionalism, exploitation, extraction and other patterns of white supremacy culture.
This training is designed for application across your ministry teams. Learn to work together to reinforce life-affirming and creative frameworks and use practical tools for welcoming and inclusion, connection and belonging, all as foundational to a membership journey in your congregation. Now open, the course is $30 per person to take.
This training can be taken by one person, or your entire membership team or your entire staff team. Your congregation decides based on your structure who would be the best fit.
If you aren't sure what this training is and if it's a good fit, we have a webinar to help you figure it out!
Tending Congregational Life Training: What Is It? will be offered on April 17, 2024 form 8-9 pm. Come have your questions answered and learn more about this program. Already taking the training? Come share your experiences! Registration is open.
Tending Congregational Life is a great starting point to look at how your congregation integrates visitors to become members. Additional trainings can help you further develop your congregation's membership and welcoming programs. Learn more at UU Institute.