Search Engine Optimization Part of Documentation for the UUA WordPress Theme for Congregations In This Section Consider Meta Descriptions for Search Engine Optimization The meta description is a short phrase that summarizes the topic of the page. Meta descriptions go in the of a page. Improve Your URL Structure for Search Engine Optimization If you can make your site with a logical and meaningful URL (web address) structure, all the better for search engine optimization (SEO). A site's URL structure should be as simple as possible. Include Key Words in Your Text for Search Engine Optimization The meta "keywords" tag is largely ignored these days (as it was so hideously abused by people trying to capture search results for which they weren't really relevant), but peppering your title, headers, and text with a variety of relevant words and phrases is a good idea.... PREVIOUS: Making Website Content Accessible UP: Building Your Website NEXT: Consider Meta Descriptions for Search Engine Optimization Get a print-friendly version of Documentation, including all sub-pages.
Anatomy of a Perfectly Optimized Page If you’re looking for some practical strategies that you can use on your site today, then you’ll love this infographic. On-Page SEO
Search Engine Ranking We Analyzed 1 Million Google Search Results. Here’s What We Learned About SEO. Search Engine Ranking