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  • It was the first gathering of a newly formed small group. The eight people who gathered in Ann's living room recognized one another, but had no real connection, except for the two married couples who were there....
    Story | December 9, 2011 | For Adults | From The New UU
    Tagged as: 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Acceptance, Brokenness, Caring, Community, Connections, Empathy, Gratitude, Growth, Honesty, Hospitality, New Member Ceremony, Unitarian Universalism
  • "The Wind in Both Ears," by Angus MacLean, in The Wind in Both Ears (Boston: Beacon Press, 1965).Introduce the story by explaining that the author, Angus MacLean was a Universalist, a professor of religious education, and dean of the Theological School at St. Lawrence University. His influence...
    Story | December 9, 2011 | For Adults | From The New UU
    Tagged as: 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth), Awe, Contemplation, Courage, Discernment, Education, Faith, Growth, Humility, Immanence, Listening, Unitarian Universalism
  • Read the story aloud, and ask the questions as they come up to encourage interaction and deeper thinking about the concepts. Or, if you are familiar enough with the ideas, tell the story in your own words, being sure to emphasize the four themes: freedom of thought, or noncreedalism; on-going...
    Story | December 9, 2011 | For Adults | From The New UU
    Tagged as: 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Acceptance, Anti-Oppression, Belief, Change, Conscience, Credo, Culture, Faith, Growth, History, Unitarian Universalism