Displaying 1 - 4 of 4

  • Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Leader Resource 1, Environmentalism Quotes Preparation for Activity Print out Leader Resource 1 and cut the five quotes apart. Arrange for five volunteers to read the quotes aloud....
    Activity | December 10, 2011 | For Adults | From Resistance and Transformation
    Tagged as: Activism, Environment, Justice, Vision, Climate Change, Climate Justice
  • Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Handout 1, Utopianism and Apocalypticism Preparation for Activity Read Handout 1 and copy it for all participants. Description of Activity Distribute Handout 1, Utopianism and Apocalypticism. Allow participants a few...
    Activity | December 10, 2011 | For Adults | From Resistance and Transformation
    Tagged as: History, Justice, Politics, Vision
  • Activity time: 20 minutes Preparation for Activity Read the Earl Morse Wilbur words quoted in the activity description. Discuss with your co-facilitator the ways you find these values are-and are not-the dominant values in our faith tradition. Description of Activity Read aloud these words of the...
    Activity | December 10, 2011 | For Adults | From Resistance and Transformation
    Tagged as: Community, Freedom, Inclusion, Justice, Power, Reason, Vision
  • We say the young have much to learn, but I find they know and do things unfamiliar to me, so I am pleased to learn from them when I can. Example: Two young college men asked me for a ride, because they were late to work. Their summer construction job was near my office, so I was glad to oblige....
    Story | By Robert Fulghum | October 27, 2011 | For High School | From Heeding the Call
    Tagged as: 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Commitment, Creativity, Direct Experience, Food, Imagination, Justice, Limitations, Patience, Transformation, Vision, Youth/Teens