Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

  • "The Wind in Both Ears," by Angus MacLean, in The Wind in Both Ears (Boston: Beacon Press, 1965).Introduce the story by explaining that the author, Angus MacLean was a Universalist, a professor of religious education, and dean of the Theological School at St. Lawrence University. His influence...
    Story | December 9, 2011 | For Adults | From The New UU
    Tagged as: 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth), Awe, Contemplation, Courage, Discernment, Education, Faith, Growth, Humility, Immanence, Listening, Unitarian Universalism
  • Adapted from multiple sources including a 2005 article, "Mrs. Mott, 'The Celebrated Female Physician,'" in Historic New England online magazine. Harriot Kezia Hunt, 1805-1875, was barred from medical study at Harvard College because male students objected to her presence....
    Story | October 27, 2011 | For Children, Grades 2-3 | From Faithful Journeys
    Tagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Brokenness, Challenge, Change, Commitment, Courage, Education, Faith, Health, History, Illness, Prophetic Words & Deeds, Universalism