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  • Based on a Santerian story. Special thanks to Lesley Murdoch for her insights to Afro-Caribbean religions. The Orisha are gods that came originally from Nigeria, in West Africa, as part of the Yoruba religion....
    Story | July 9, 2013 | For Children, Grades 2-3 | From Signs of Our Faith
    Tagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), Beauty, Brokenness, Challenge, Commitment, Community, Courage, Diversity, Indigenous American, Justice, Limitations, Multiculturalism, Multiculturalism
  • Reprinted from Life Tides by permission of Sarah Tarbox. Copyright (C) 1993. Published by Skinner House Books, an imprint of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Hollow bones, streamlined feathers, and wings shaped to push aside the viscosity of air are not what make birds fly. Birds let go of...
    Story | By Elizabeth Tarbox | October 27, 2011 | For Adults | From Spirit of Life
    Tagged as: 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Animals, Awe, Beauty, Brokenness, Courage, Direct Experience, Fear, Freedom, Hope, Joy, Letting Go