Session 8: Uus In Action Part of Amazing Grace, 6th Grade: Exploring Right and Wrong October 26, 2011 In This Section Introduction From Amazing Grace [T]he making of justice does not define our faith. Rather, our faith calls us to work for justice. — Rev. William G. Sinkford This is the last of four Amazing Grace sessions that focuses on Unitarian Universalism. The session speaks of the denomination's many continuing efforts to achieve social... Session-at-a-Glance From Amazing Grace ACTIVITY MINUTES Opening 5 Activity 1: Story and Discussion – Jesus and the Sheep 10 Activity 2: Conundrum Corner – Speaking of UUs and Social Justice 10 Activity 3: Finding Social Justice in Music 10 Activity 4: Ethics Play 15 Activity 5: Wall-to-Wall Questions 10 Faith in Action: Magazine... Spiritual Preparation From Amazing Grace In the days before you present this session, consider your own work for social justice. What was the first action you can remember taking to make the world a better place? How have the consequences of that action influenced your social justice work today? In the moments before you present this... Opening From Amazing Grace Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Conundrum Corner poster/banner Scales of justice: actual balance scales or a drawing; see Leader Resource 1 Chalice and matches Optional: Newsprint, markers and tape Optional: Recording of "Amazing Grace" and music player Optional: Nametags and mark... Activity 1: Story and Discussion - Jesus and the Sheep From Amazing Grace Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Story 1, "Jesus and the Sheep" Preparation for Activity Read the story. Photocopy Story 1, "Jesus and the Sheep," one for each participant. Description of Activity Youth hear a parable of love and forgiveness. Read or tell the story "Jesus and the... Activity 2: Conundrum Corner - Speaking of UUs and Social Justice From Amazing Grace Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Scales of justice in Conundrum Corner Samples of social justice statements issued by the Unitarian Universalist Association; see Leader Resource 2, Social Justice Resolutions or the link below in Preparation for Activity. Preparation for Activity... Activity 3: Finding Social Justice in Music From Amazing Grace Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Music player Recording of Pete Seeger singing; see Find Out More for suggestions Optional: The hymnal… the Living Tradition. Boston: Beacon Press, 1993 Preparation for Activity... Activity 4: Ethics Play From Amazing Grace Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Two dice (extra large, if possible) of different colors Ethics Play role name tags Ethics Play Scenarios (Session 1, Leader Resources 2-7) Optional: Masks, costumes, and wigs for roles Preparation for Activity If you are or your group is new to Eth... Activity 5: Wall-to-Wall Questions From Amazing Grace Activity time: 10 minutes Description of Activity This activity asks youth to move around and show their answers to some belief questions based Sessions 4 through 8 of Amazing Grace: Exploring Right and Wrong. Ask the youth to help move aside any chairs or other furniture that might prevent easy... Closing From Amazing Grace Activity time: 3 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of Taking It Home Preparation for Activity Create a handout from Taking It Home that is specific to the activities used in this session. Description of Activity Briefly summarize what you have done in this session. Hand out any Taking It Home... Leader Reflection and Planning From Amazing Grace Meet with your co-leaders after the session to reflect on how it went. How was your mix of discussion and action? Have you successfully found ways to involve all youth fully in your sessions despite any limitations they might have?... Faith In Action: Magazine Search From Amazing Grace Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity A pile of back issues of UU World magazine, at least one for each participant Sticky notes or small pieces of scrap paper to use as place markers Newsprint and markers Preparation for Activity Review the pile of UU World magazines to get an idea of... Alternate Activity 1: When I Made a Difference From Amazing Grace Activity time: 15 minutes Description of Activity This activity asks youth to think about times when they have made a difference in someone's life. Ask participants to tell about times when they have done something right and made a difference for somebody else.... Taking It Home: Uus In Action From Amazing Grace [T]he making of justice does not define our faith. Rather, our faith calls us to work for justice. — Rev. William G. Sinkford IN TODAY’S SESSION… We heard about some of Jesus’ ideas about right and wrong, and we talked about UU social action projects. We shared our beliefs by moving between... Jesus and the Sheep From Amazing Grace Excerpts from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Sheep were important in biblical times. They provided not just wool, but also meat and milk. Their horns were used as musical instruments or to hold oil. The skins were made into clothing and coverings for walls. If you read the Bible... Leader Resource 1: Scales of Justice From Amazing Grace Clipart drawing of the scale is from the CorelDraw! clipart collection. Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Leader Resource 2: Social Justice Resolutions From Amazing Grace From the Social-Justice Statement Book of the UUAHere are a few sample resolutions. 1. END OF TOBACCO PRICE SUPPORT PROGRAM—1978 WHEREAS, tobacco smoking is harmful to human health; and WHEREAS, the world needs more food crops grown on the limited areas of fertile land; and WHEREAS, the United... Find Out More About Session 8 From Amazing Grace Parker, Victoria. The Children's Illustrated Bible (Great Britain: Hermes House, 2001). This book has a large and very good collection of Bible stories for young people, including pictures. Seeger, Pete. Where Have All the Flowers Gone: A Singer's Stories, Songs, Seeds, Robberies (Bethlehem, PA:... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Amazing Grace NEXT: Introduction Download all of Amazing Grace (Word) to edit and print.