[T]he making of justice does not define our faith. Rather, our faith calls us to work for justice.
— Rev. William G. Sinkford
This is the last of four Amazing Grace sessions that focuses on Unitarian Universalism. The session speaks of the denomination's many continuing efforts to achieve social justice at all levels of society.
The central story is taken from the Christian scripture accounts of Jesus as shepherd and the parable of the lost sheep. A brief introduction to UU social activism follows. The session includes a round of Ethics Play. Faith in Action offers a chance for further exploration of UU social justice activities.
This session will:
- Demonstrate that working for social justice is a fundamental expression of UU faith
- Help youth appreciate that many other denominations and religions also work for social justice
- Share some teachings of Jesus and explore how his teachings relate to Unitarian Universalism
- Introduce participants to the music of Pete Seeger
- Familiarize youth with UU World magazine.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
- Explore Christian scriptural attitudes toward social justice through the stories of the good shepherd and the lost sheep
- Play roles in a hypothetical scenario where ethical decisions are demanded
- Question the role faith plays in their decision-making process
- Hear how one UU incorporates social justice themes in his music
- Optional: Find magazine accounts of UU social justice projects.