What resources will help facilitators include participants with special accessibility needs?

Unitarian Universalist Sally Patton has created A Faith Based Sexuality Education Guide for the Inclusion of Children and Youth with Special Needs, available from Embracing the Spirit of the Child. This guide can be of assistance for congregations seeking to include children and youth with learning differences, cognitive limitations, emotional and behavioral difficulties, and physical and sensory limitations. Ms. Patton’s book Welcoming Children with Special Needs, a more general book about special needs and religious education, is available from the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Bookstore.

Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education for Grades 7-9, 2nd edition, includes a guide explaining how facilitators can anticipate and address the learning needs of youth with autism spectrum disorders or an attention-related, intellectual, or learning disability so more youth may more fully participate and learn from the program. The curriculum is available from the UUA Bookstore.

Consultation is also available from UUA Lifespan Faith Development staff, district program consultants, religious educators, and the community of Our Whole Lives (OWL) facilitators subscribed to the OWL facilitator email lists.

Our Whole Lives: Sexuality Education for Grades 7 - 9, Second Edition

By Pamela M. Wilson

From inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop

Corrected 2nd edition in process - available for backorder...

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