Institutional Change Congregation Resources
Commission on Institutional Change was charged with the long-term cultural and institutional change that redeems the essential promise and ideals of Unitarian Universalism. To that effort, the Commission has curated resources for congregations, fellowships, covenant circles, and others to engage in this work with these provided discussion guides. The questions are designed broadly in order to inspire discussion and to help reveal what is on the hearts and in the minds of Unitarian Universalists about the essence of who we are as a faith movement and who we want to become.
By engaging in dialogue and truth-telling, we can begin a process the Commissioners referred to as truth and transformation. Before facilitating these discussions, the Commission recommends facilitators watch its 2018 workshop, Why Truth Comes First in Truth and Reconciliation, and reflect on how you can best make space for such truths to be shared.
Review the videos and read the questions to the room. (It is likely that the answers for each question will overlap, so taking time to do them one at a time may not be useful) Respond to questions or concerns…there are no strict guidelines! The following covenant may prove useful in facilitating these conversations.
- Bring your best self to the conversation. Have good intentions, and trust the intentions of others.
- Be aware of the language that you use. Check for ableism, racism, ageism, and other –isms that might be hurtful.
- Everyone should have a chance to contribute, as they are willing and able…one at a time, allowing everyone to speak at least once if they choose to
- Discern with your faith at the center…we are not making decisions or advocating for a “side”; rather, we are sharing our thoughts and hopes for Unitarian Universalism
- Listen carefully, and when necessary, reply/ask questions in ways that deepen understanding. There are no right or wrong responses.
Remember this is theologically grounded conversations, so an opening and closing reading, singing, and a chalice liting can go a long way in centering participants in the topic at hand.
Commission on Institutional Change Discussion Guides
Centering Theology: Conversation about Faith, Race and Liberation
How do we bring to the center the task of addressing White Supremacy within our Institution and congregations, our shared religious values, traditions, and perspective?
A Group Guide on Discussing Mission and Values
By Commission On Institutional Change
How do we talk about the mission and values that span the berth of the Unitarian Universalist movement? Use this guide within your community to answer this very question.
Working Effectively Across Generations Towards an Anti-Oppressive Anti-Racist Multicultural Faith
Follow along with this five-part conversation between Commission on Institutional Change Commissioner Mary Byron and Commissioner Caitlin Breedlove, as they discuss the subject of intergenerational movement ministry.
Truth, Trauma and Change in Our UU Communities Discussion Guide A Commission on Institutional Change Discussion Guide
One premise of this work is that we are living in traumatic times which are much more painful for those who live with societal, racial, or religious trauma.
Reflecting on “In This Delicate Turning” General Assembly 2019 Sunday Morning Worship A Commission on Institutional Change Discussion Guide
Rev. Valentin asks us to embrace the understanding that the “Power of We” rests in the South African Bantu concept of Ubuntu: I am because we are.
A Commission on Institutional Change Discuss Guide for the 2018 Ware Lecture A Commission on Institutional Change Discuss Guide
A Commission on Institutional Change Discuss Guide for the 2018 Ware Lecture with Brittany Packnett.