The Commission on Institutional Change Reports and Reflections
The Commission on Institutional Change recommends the Board of Trustees revisits the findings of the Fifth Principle Task Force as part of a broader governance reform agenda.
By Commission On Institutional Change | January 24, 2020 | From Institutional Change -
Follow along with this five-part conversation between Commission on Institutional Change Commissioner Mary Byron and Former Commissioner Caitlin Breedlove, as they discuss the subject of intergenerational movement ministry. Following each clip reflect of the questions presented by the Commission to deepen spiritually.
October 8, 2019 | From Institutional Change -
In a previous blog post, my colleague Cir L’Bert Jr. wrote about the way that lack of common framework upon which to continue our conversations about race and oppression and difference in our world and within our own endeavors hinders our faith movement. One reason we may be at cross purposes is...
September 26, 2019 | From Institutional Change -
The UUA Commission on Institutional Change seeks to promote on-going conversation which engages our Unitarian Universalist congregations and communities in movement towards the Beloved Community. Engage with the General Assembly 2019 Sunday Morning Worship, by reflecting on these guided questions.
September 12, 2019 | From Institutional Change -
Over the last two years, the Commission on Institutional Change has held an open call for personal stories and testimonies. As we enter the last year of the commission's work, we submit one last call for submissions of stories, documents, and requests for interviews, through the month of September.
August 26, 2019 | From Institutional Change -
Each June, the Ministerial Conference at Berry Street selects an essayist to discuss a topic of relevance to ministry. This year’s essayist, Rev. Leslie Takahashi, spoke about “Truth, Trauma and Transformation.” Leslie is part of the Commission on Institutional Change and though the essay is...
August 13, 2019 | From Institutional Change -
We want to take a little time and offer an update on our work, especially our work since we reported to this Assembly last year. The Commission on Institutional Change was charged with identifying the long-term cultural and institutional change needed to redeem the essential promise and ideal of...
July 9, 2019 | From Institutional Change -
It has arrived, the week of General Assembly 2019! The Commission on Institutional Change invites you to learn about its work and to share in it at GA 2019. For a full list of the Commission’s programming check out this blog post:
June 17, 2019 | From Institutional Change -
Learn more about the Commission on Institutional Change's schedule at the UUA 2019 General Assembly in Spokane, WA.
May 31, 2019 | From Institutional Change -
The work of the Commission on Institutional Change indicates that there will probably be no consensus on language and yet a lack of consensus should not get in the way of continued conversation and action. ~ Reflections by Commissioner Cir L L’Bert Jr.
By Commission On Institutional Change | May 28, 2019 | From Institutional Change