Faith Curriculum Library: Curricula and Resources for Co-creating Lifespan Faith Engagement

Reimagining Article 2 Small Group Ministry Guide

This small group ministry guide is a six session program to engage with the Article 2 Study Commission’s set of four topics: Shared UU Values, Inspirations, Purpose, and Covenant. Each session is 90 minutes. Sessions are as follows:

  1. Co-Creating Unitarian Universalism
  2. Shared UU Values
  3. Inspirations
  4. Mission and Purpose — a Wider UU world
  5. Covenant
  6. Connecting

Each session features activities and opportunities to reflect and share on the topics. For ease of use, each activity is generally addressed to the group, with instructions for leaders in brackets.

Groups will create materials that may be sent on to the Commission. Allow participants to opt out of sharing their personal materials if they like, but let them know that group materials (without names attached) will be shared with the Commission. If participants would like to contribute their perspectives as individuals after this course has ended, encourage them to complete the Individual Survey, which will remain open until April 30, 2022.

Though the program is designed to be a stand-alone small group meeting, congregations and communities may prefer to extend or abbreviate sessions as needed to fit ongoing small group ministry programs. As we carefully navigate the needs of our communities regarding in-person or online programming (or a mix), you may find that your own community’s needs may shift even after the program has begun. We have tried to make each session outline appropriate for in-person, online, or multi-platform use. Leaders should feel free to adapt these materials as they see fit to best serve the needs of their groups.