Article Ii Flower Graphic
The following graphic of the Shared Values flower, found in the final proposed revision to Article II, is available for Unitarian Universalist congregations to use, without fee or special permission from the artist, as long as the following requirements are met by the congregation:
- The graphic shall be attributed to the artist, Tanya Webster (, when it is used in printed paper materials (such as books, pamphlets, brochures, handouts, etc.), online, or projected on a screen (such as during worship or a workshop). Credit is not required on items that feature the graphic (such as t-shirts or water bottles), but should be included in any print and online content describing or promoting these items.
- No modifications shall be made without the artist's permission.
- The graphic may be distributed by Unitarian Universalists to wider communities in a Unitarian Universalist context (such as a flyer about the congregation or a fundraiser), but written permission from the artist for use of the graphic outside of a Unitarian Universalist context (such as for profit or fundraising for an individual or for a non-Unitarian Universalist group) is required. Permission requests should be sent to
For download: Shared Values flower image (PNG)