Article II Study Resources

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The Article II Study Commission invites you to continue the conversation. Congregations have been actively creating resources to discuss the proposed revisions to Article II, these resources have been curated and are available at the New Article II Congregational Resources from the Field webpage. Find below resources for personal and community reflection and discussion developed and shared during the study leading up to the proposal.

Congregation and Community Resources

Article II Study Commission Conversation Prompts

These slides can be used as conversation prompts for coffee hour, an interactive element of your worship service, or as a part of regular small group meetings. 

Conversation Prompts

Love in Action! Dinner Church Worship Kit

The Article 2 Study Commission, commissioned Rev. Emily Conger and Rev. Aisha Ansano of Nourish UU to create a dinner church worship kit for UU youth groups that explores the theme of Love in Action! Through sharing stories, songs, and food, this participatory worship service invites youth to...

Dinner Church

Reimagining Article 2 Small Group Ministry Guide

From Faith Curriculum Library

This small group ministry guide is a six session program to engage with the Article 2 Study Commission’s set of four topics: Shared UU Values, Inspirations, Purpose, and Covenant.

Small Group Ministry Guide

UU Wellspring Curriculum

The super duo Rev. Viola Abbitt and Rayven Holmes have crafted an incredible UU Wellspring Curriculum to help congregations and communities explore "Article 2," the home of our UU Principles and Purposes. This curriculum is available now and FREE to use for your congregations and communities! If you are interested in facilitating a group or just to find out more, sign up online.

Reading Materials

The following documents will be reviewed by the Commission in the course of its work. Some of these discuss specific amendment language; others relate to ways in which the UUA can conduct business in a more truly inclusive and democratic manner.