Workshop 1: Talking about Money Part of The Wi$dom Path, Adults: Money, Spirit, and Life In This Section Introduction From The Wi$dom Path The importance of money flows from it being a link between the present and the future. — John Maynard Keynes, British economist (1883-1946) Workshop-at-a-Glance From The Wi$dom Path A list of workshop activities with their expected duration in minutes. Spiritual Preparation From The Wi$dom Path Reflect on your own relationship to money issues. This exercise will sharpen your awareness of and sensitivity to issues raised with and by the participants and, thus, help you effectively facilitate this program.... Opening From The Wi$dom Path Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle, and lighter or an LED/battery-operated candle A chime or a small bell Newsprint, markers, and tape Sign-in sheet and pens Name tags and markers Music player, and three or more songs for gathering Optional: An object to pass from sp... Activity 1: Program Overview and Expectations From The Wi$dom Path Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Introduction to the Wi$dom Path program Leader Resource 1, The Wi$dom Path – Program Overview Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Review the Introduction to the Wi$dom Path program so you will be prepared to summarize plans and... Activity 2: Forming Our Covenant Together From The Wi$dom Path Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 2, Sample Covenant Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Copy the sample covenant from Leader Resource 2 (or an existing covenant you prefer to use) on newsprint, and post. Activity 3: Names for Money From The Wi$dom Path Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 3, Some Names for Money Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Post a sheet of newsprint with the heading “Names for Money.” If you are facilitating alone, ask a volunteer to serve as scribe. Review Leader Resource... Activity 4: Spectrum Exercise From The Wi$dom Path Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 4, Spectrum Exercise Activity 5: The Functions of Money From The Wi$dom Path Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 1, Purposes and Roles of Money Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Read Handout 1, Purposes and Roles of Money. Copy for all participants. Write on newsprint, leaving space after each item. Post: ECONOMIC – How have you... Closing From The Wi$dom Path Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED/battery-operated candle Leader Reflection and Planning From The Wi$dom Path Make a time for individual reflection and discussion with your co-facilitator after the conclusion of the first workshop. Consider these questions: What worked well in today’s workshop? How can these elements or approaches be repeated or amplified in the future? What was most challenging? What... Faith In Action: Money in the Public Square From The Wi$dom Path Materials for Activity Handout 1, Purposes and Roles of Money Alternate Activity 1: Money Stories From The Wi$dom Path Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 3, Money Stories Writing paper and pens Preparation for Activity Read the six stories in Handout 3, Money Stories. Select three to share with the group. Identify a volunteer to read each of these aloud; give volunteers the text in advance. Handout 1: Purposes and Roles of Money From The Wi$dom Path Some purposes and roles assigned to money: Money stands in for things of tangible value in the world. It is fundamentally representative of work and value creation. Money is a medium of exchange. Handout 2: Taking It Home: Our Personal Financial Histories and Identities From The Wi$dom Path Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance. —Eckhart Tolle Handout 3: Money Stories From The Wi$dom Path These personal reflections on money and wealth were selected after a facilitated conversation among Unitarian Universalist leaders who serve on the UUA President’s Council. 1ST REFLECTION I grew up on a farm, so my parents were self-employed. The issue of working hard was always very important. I... Leader Resource 1: The Wi$dom Path – Program Overview From The Wi$dom Path Workshops 1-3, Money and Self, build awareness of and explore our own attitudes and experiences with money. Workshop 1, Talking about Money. What is money and why is it important? Workshop 2, The Meaning of Money in Our Lives. Telling our personal money stories to one other. Workshop 3, Cultural... Leader Resource 2: Sample Covenant From The Wi$dom Path Previously published on the UUA website as “Community Covenant: For Use in Lifespan Faith Development Settings with Adults or Youth,” attributed to the Spiritual Eldering Institute and used with permission. We honor and respect the confidentiality of what is spoken here concerning personal... Leader Resource 3: Some Names for Money From The Wi$dom Path Benjamins Dough Moolah Bones Dosh Plaster Bread Ducats Rocks Bucks Gelt Scratch Cabbage Glad Wealth Shekels Candy Greenbacks Simoleons Cheddar Lettuce Sugar Clams Long green Tin Coin Loot Wampum Cush Lucre Welcome Green Dead Presidents Mazuma Wonger... Leader Resource 4: Spectrum Exercise Prompts From The Wi$dom Path Money is… A Big Part of My Life / Not Important to Me Related to My Faith / Unrelated to My Faith The Root of All Evil / A Tool for Good Connected to Things of Value / Disconnected from What’s Real Necessary in Church / Better Left Outside the Church An Attachment to Get Past / A Resource to Be... Find Out More From The Wi$dom Path The Meaning of Money: Forbes Wealth Wizards (3:19). A video on the website of Roy F. Baumeister, Does Money Matter? The Psychological Meaning of Money,” a post published June 18, 2008, in Cultural Animal and... PREVIOUS: Participant Feedback Form UP: The Wi$dom Path NEXT: Introduction Download all of The Wi$dom Path (Word) to edit and print.