Trainer Resources
Trained facilitators are key to successfully implementing any Our Whole Lives (OWL) sexuality education program. Our large team of experienced trainers travel across the United States and Canada to conduct training events hosted by Regions, Districts, congregations, and secular organizations.
Resources to help plan and implement OWL training events, including a directory of active OWL trainers, are posted on a private website. If you are an approved Our Whole Lives trainer (not a facilitator), contact the Our Whole Lives Program Manager at for access.
If you wish to host a training and need assistance with logistics and trainer selection, please download the Planning Guide for Facilitator Training (PDF) and request a Trainer Directory from
Please submit any questions regarding OWL program content, training, or facilitator issues to Trainers should send completed facilitator training rosters to and You can download the official roster from the OWL trainer password-protected website.
Thank you for supporting OWL through your training work.