The Interconnected Web
Part of Deeper Joy
Take aways may include: feeling cheered on even if you don't catch the yarn!, a sense of belonging
Parameters: In person. At least 5 people. If doing this in a larger group, consider breaking into smaller groups for time or to alleviate social pressure.
Materials: A large ball of yarn, scissors.
Have the group sit or stand in a circle. The person holding the ball of yarn begins by choosing someone across the circle to affirm. They say something they love about someone else and toss or roll the ball, while holding on to the end of the yarn. That person catches it and chooses a new person. The process continues until everyone is holding onto part of the web. Have the group raise the web above their heads to see how neat it is. Pass around scissors so that everyone can cut a piece of the web to keep as a memento of the community, or find a place to hang up the web.
Variation: When someone catches the ball of yarn they say a word that describes what they bring to the community.