Car Wash

Part of Deeper Joy

Take aways may include: warm and fuzzy feelings, knowing you're appreciated, articulating why you appreciate others.

Parameters: two or more people, in person.

Materials: Paper, markers, a meditation book for each participant for variation 2, painters tape for variation 3, music player and speakers

This is great activity for the end of a longer gathering or event. Have everyone sit in a circle on the floor or with a writing surface in front of them if in chairs (whatever is accessible for all participants). Pass out the paper and markers until everyone has one of each. Have everyone write their name on the top of the paper then pass it to the right. As instrumental music plays, each person writes a message of affirmation, recognition or blessing to the person whose name is at the top of the page. Keep circulating the papers until they make it back to their original owners.

Variation 1: Have each person write their name on the top of both sides of their paper and fold it in half. On the surfaces showing, they can write positive adjectives or statements describing themselves. Tell them to refold the paper so that their adjectives are hidden, and pass their papers around so that everyone can write positive adjectives on the other side. Continue passing until all papers arrive at their owners.

Variation 2: Give everyone a meditation book as a parting gift instead of a piece of paper to pass around. Have each person write their name on the top of the inside cover before passing it.

Variation 3: After everyone's written their name on their paper they will ask a buddy to tape it onto their back for them. Then, moving around the space, everyone writes positive things about each person on their backs.