Restaurants In and Around the Baltimore Convention Center

Eating at General Assembly

Meals are not included with General Assembly registration. Please allow adequate times for nourishment and rest.

Levy is the exclusive provider of all food and beverage for sale at the Baltimore Convention Center. Concessions will be available for purchase in the GA Exhibit Hall. Outside food and beverages are not allowed in the convention center.

Baltimore Convention Center is cashless. There is an on-site cash-to-card kiosk that is free of charge. Cards cannot be refilled however they do not expire and can be used anywhere. The cash-to-card kiosk is at the 300 Level West side near meeting room 327.

Nine lemon halves are shown with a  peppermint stick stuck in each lemon's center

When it comes to cuisine, Charm City’s always been ahead of the curve. In a city full of creative makers, innovators and entrepreneurs, it follows that our food and beverage scene would be unlike anywhere else’s. From crab cakes to crushes to snowballs and lemon sticks, Baltimore has other cities beat when it comes to these bites: 13 Quintessential Baltimore Bites to Try Right Now