Ridesharing to General Assembly

A path winds between young trees in a lush green park

General Assembly (GA) is in Baltimore, Maryland this summer, within a day’s drive for thousands Unitarian Universalists.

Let’s get there together! Save money, reduce environmental impact, and foster community by sharing rides to GA.

Here’s some ideas for traveling together:

  • Ridesharing and Carpooling. If your congregation has parking that won’t be used in June, consider offering your site as a park-and-ride or meeting spot to share rides to GA.
  • General Assembly 2025 will be posted on the rideshare site RickyRides. Drivers and riders can post ride offers or requests with by location (zipcode). Congregations can create a post and put park-and-ride information in the description.
  • Congregations might also consider using a church vehicle or renting a van and providing transportation – either as a fundraiser or just a way to facilitate attendance from your congregation. Consult your insurer before implementing a rideshare program.
  • Is your congregation near a commuter rail station? Use your available parking to be a park-and-ride location for the train to Baltimore.

Best Practices for Shared Rides

  • Safety First. Abide by traffic laws. Drive safely and buckle up!
  • Be Punctual. Be clear about location, date and timing.
  • Discuss expectations, including shared costs and payment methods, before agreeing to drive or ride.
  • Interact respectfully; don’t eat, drink, or smoke if not previously arranged.
  • Many people in our community become ill when exposed to fragrances contained in personal care and laundry products. Please commit to remaining fragrance-free throughout GA.
  • Never make anyone else feel threatened or unsafe in general.
  • Review the RickyRides.com terms and conditions