Bringing a World of UUism into Your Congregation
- John Slattery, Vice President of the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists
- Rev. Jill McAllister, past president
- Lorella Thomas Hess, editor of the Global Chalice newsletter
Prepared for UUA .org by: Mike McNaughton, Reporter; Margy Levine Young, Editor.
The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists (ICUU) is 11 years old and is growing steadily. Its members are the national organizations such as the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC). In addition to these two North American organizations, many North Americans are aware of the Transylvanian Unitarian Church, the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches in Britain, and perhaps also the Religious Society of Czech Unitarians; but how many can name the 16 other national organizations? If you need help, check the ICUU membership map.
Even better, check out the new ICUU curriculum entitled "The Garden of Unitarian-Universalism" that was written to help Unitarians and Universalists everywhere gain a broader and deeper understanding of our shared faith.
What would you like to receive from the ICUU? Many resources are already available. With the intent of distributing these resources to the congregations, ICUU staff are seeking a contact person at each congregation. If you are willing and able, please contact the ICUU.
What else can you do to support the ICUU? In addition to being a contact person, consider becoming a friend of the ICUU.
To raise awareness of the international UU community, you are encouraged to organize an annual presentation at your congregation. There are lots of available resources and the ICUU staff are willing to send you lots of material. For example, Jill McAllister raises awareness of international UU with a monthly international chalice lighting.
All over the world, UU groups are emerging. What do you know about the UUs in Tierra del Fuego or Burundi ? The ICUU wants your participation and your help to get the word out and spread Unitarian Universalism worldwide.