Sponsorship, Approval, and Termination of Email List Services
The Unitarian Universalist Association(UUA) of Congregations must approve the creation of lists to be managed on UUA.org. Applications are approved by the ITS Web Team. We encourage requesting an online forum on UUA.org instead.
The UUA is willing to sponsor electronic mailing lists for UUA committees and districts, associate and affiliate organizations of the UUA, and groups recognized by the UUA Board of Trustees to foster communication within and among UU organizations. At the discretion of the Web Team, lists may also be created on topics that are likely to be of interest to a significant number of UUs or potential UUs and that relate to the mission of the UUA.
Participation in UUA.org's lists and bulletin boards is a privilege and not a right. The UUA reserves the right to suspend participants from lists and bulletin boards who violate standards and rules put forward by the Board. Procedures for due process in conflict mediation have been established and decisions on suspension are delegated to the UUA Web Team.
We do not sponsor lists for individual congregations, with the exception of the Church of the Larger Fellowship, nor for groups that have no connection with the UUA or with Unitarian Universalism.
To enhance district communication, districts may apply for up to ten UUA-hosted email lists which relate to the work of the district. District Boards are responsible for those lists and their management.
Associate and affiliate organizations may apply for up to five UUA-hosted email lists which relate to the work of the organization. Organization Boards are responsible for those lists and their management. If an organization's UUA-affiliation is not renewed, their lists are subject to review and possible termination by the Web Team.
If in the judgment of the Web team the purpose of a list changes from the purpose stated in its application, we may terminate the list.
If the endorsement by the sponsoring organization for a list changes from the endorsement stated in its application, the Web Team Manager may terminate the list.
Every list must have a UU-related topic or audience and a descriptive name. The UUA sponsors only lists that serve the UUA's mandate. Names of mailing lists must be stated as clearly as possible (given length limitations) and applications must describe the function, topic, or audience of the list.