Shape UUA Justice Commitments
We are stronger together. Our collective wisdom and creativity combine to bring more justice into the world in ways that could not be imagined among any of us working alone. As Unitarian Universalists, we call one another into our better selves through collectively discerning social justice actions to clarify our shared commitments to justice, equity and compassion.
While called by various names, the social witness process is the method by which the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) comes to understand and act on the social issues of our times, finally bearing witness through statements adopted as Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) policy by the delegates of a General Assembly (GA). The process has been an integral part of our faith since the merger between the Unitarians and the Universalists in 1961. This process is congregationally driven and is facilitated by the Commission on Social Witness (CSW). The CSW looks forward to engaging with proposers on the process and partnering with all UUs via the Side With Love Action Center.
Congregational Study Action Issue (CSAI) Process for 2024-2025
Congregational Study Action Issues are issues selected by Unitarian Universalist member congregations for three years of study, reflection and action. The purpose is to provide member congregations of the Association with an opportunity to mobilize energy, ideas and resources around a common issue. The end result will be a deeper understanding of our religious position on the issue, a clear statement of Association policy as expressed in a Statement of Conscience, and a greater capacity for congregations to take effective action.
In the third year of this process, delegates at GA can vote to approve a Statement of Conscience (SOC) resulting from two years of congregational feedback on the CSAI. There have been no CSAIs for the past few years, and we are now restarting this process. Learn more about CSAIs and how to submit.
The October deadline for 2025 proposals has passed: see the three proposed CSAIs for 2025.
Social Witness Statements Affirmed at General Assembly 2024
These statements were affirmed at General Assembly and are undergoing review by UUA legal counsel. Final text will be posted at UUA Statements by July 15th.
- AIW: Centering Love Amidst the Ongoing Impact of COVID-19
- AIW: Solidarity with Palestinians
- AIW: World on Fire: Humanitarian Work and Climate Change
About Our Social Witness Statements
The UUA makes two different types of social witness statements: Statements of Conscience (SOCs), which arise from Congregational Study/Action Issues, and Actions of Immediate Witness (AIWs).
- Congregational Study/Action Issues (CSAIs) are issues selected by Unitarian Universalist member congregations for three years of study, reflection and action. In the third year of this process, delegates at GA can vote to approve a Statement of Conscience (SOC) resulting from three years of congregational feedback on the CSAI. There have been no CSAIs in the past few years, and the cycle for proposals will begin again in the Fall of 2024.
- Actions of Immediate Witness (AIWs) express the conscience and carry the authority of the delegates at the GA at which it is passed. AIWs are initiated by individual delegates and move through their entire creation and adoption process during a single GA.