Statement from Co-Moderators
By Elandria Williams, The Rev. Mr. Barb Greve
We are excited, humbled and honored to be selected to be the Interim Co-Moderators for this coming year. Our passionate love of our faith calls us to leadership and service in this time of transition. Both life-long Unitarian Universalists, we collectively bring wisdom, broad experience, and are rooted in what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist. We have known each other for over 15 years and had the pleasure of co-leading the Right Relationship Team at the 2013 General Assembly in Louisville, KY.
Leadership can take many forms. Guided by the experiences and wisdom of the co-presidents and quad-moderation at last year’s General Assembly, we undertake again a bold experiment in shared leadership. By this we mean both collaboration and partnerships: partnerships between the Administration and the Board, amongst the Co-Moderators and Board members, and with all of the many volunteers and incredible faith leaders from around the country and world. We truly believe that we can live out our faith not only during worship but also in the boardroom and in our broader lives.
Our world and country are ever changing while oftentimes feeling like we are quickly sliding backwards rather than making progress. Over the next year, we hope to model non-anxious presence that allows for thoughtful and approachable leadership. We will continue the work of building beloved and liberating community that former moderator Jim Key and the Board have begun. Our Association is made up of many congregations, communities, and individual Unitarian Universalists. By working faithfully together, we can bring a liberated beloved community into being. Please feel free to reach out to your Board and Co-Moderators.
In faith and service,
Barb and Elandria