Board Statement on the Prioritization Process for Amendments to the Article II Proposal

Greetings Friends,

We would like to share with you the next steps in the prioritization process for amendments for Article II. As reminder, the bylaws [Article XV. Section C-15.1 (c) (3) (ii)] require, "The Moderator, in consultation with the chair of the study commission, the parliamentarian and legal counsel shall prioritize proposed amendments for consideration by the General Assembly."

We are at the beginning of that process. Members of the ModSquad have met and sorted through the many proposed amendments. We are making tentative priority lists. We will meet with the study commission, the parliamentarian and legal counsel, using those tentative lists as a starting point for discussion.

Please be reminded that we have parts of two general sessions set aside for discussion of Article II amendments. It is possible that the results of voting on the first day may influence which amendments should be considered on the second day, so we are also considering conditional priority lists. You have given us many amendments and they interact with one another in challenging ways.

Some of you have asked how you can demonstrate broad support for your amendment. You are encouraged to add evidence of that support on, where each individual amendment is in the process of being posted. Please understand that this is not simply a popularity contest. Broad support is important, but it is also important to consider the concept being communicated and how it interacts with other amendments.

We do not have a date for when we will publicize the priority list for the general sessions. At a minimum, it will be a couple of days before the scheduled discussion. We want you to be prepared. It is not meant to be a surprise.

Thank you for your engagement with the Article II proposal. We remain encouraged that so many of you are involved in the process.

In Faith,

Your UUA Board of Trustees