Attending Board Meetings

All Board of Trustees meetings are open to visitors. Consult the Board Meeting Dates page for more information.

Accessibility Information

Videoconference Meetings

  • The Board uses Zoom technology which includes a long list of accessible features.
  • Closed captioning is available at all Zoom meetings.
  • Please pre-register for all Zoom Board meetings.
  • If you are unable to attend an open session meeting and would like to view the recording, please contact, and a link will be emailed to you.

In-Person Meetings

  • The Boston offices of the Unitarian Universalist Association are ADA compliant and equipped with assistive listening devices. Please let us know in advance if you require the use of one.
  • Large-print materials can be made available. Please inquire at least 24 hours in advance.
  • The Board may enjoy snacks and meals throughout the day. If you have an allergy (food and/or airborne), please email Betty Clark ( to ensure your safety during the meeting.

Guidelines for Observers to Zoom Board Meetings

The Board welcomes guests to observe the Board meeting. We are glad you are here. We hope you will participate when invited. This may include during break out groups or when asked to offer information or answer questions in the chat. Occasionally, a staff member or guest may be invited to unmute to share a report or information useful to the Board. We welcome comments in the chat that are informative and related to the Board's active discussion.

Observers are asked to avoid disrupting or distracting from the meeting including by using the chat box to change the conversation or argue with the Board. Observers should refrain from asking the Board questions during the meeting so that Trustees can focus on their agenda and discussion. Clarifying questions about the meeting can be directed to the staff meeting host (Betty Clark). Additionally, questions can always be emailed to

The Board reserves the right to close the chat or remove participants who are disruptive to the meeting or to other observers.

Trustees Greg Boyd, Patrick McLaughlin, Christina Rivera, and Kathy Burek at the Post-GA 2017 UUA Board of Trustees Meeting
Trustee Sarah Dan Jones and Financial Advisor Lucia Santini Field at the Post-GA 2017 UUA Board of Trustees Meeting