Macfadyen Resigns From Uua Board
Trustee Leslie MacFadyen submitted her resignation from the UUA Board of Trustees on September 13, 2021, with these words:
It has been a pleasure and honor to serve on the UUA Board of Trustees over the past 2 years. My work outside of the board specifically around preserving voting rights of all people and building a more secure Democracy have become more vital than ever and it is with a heavy heart that I tender my resignation from the UUA Board of Trustees.
I have valued the work I was able to do with the Board and UUA staff, but lamentably, knowing my own limits and the need to center my own personal health and wellness have led me to this decision. I wish the board well in the work ahead and of course remain a committed Unitarian Universalist in all that I do in the world.
In faith,
Leslie MacFadyen
Leslie was first elected to the Board of Trustees in 2019 and was in the third year of her 3-year term.
The Board expressed its thanks for Leslie's outstanding leadership on the Board, and its sorrow at her resignation. It also affirmed her decision to thoughtfully prioritize the needs of her personal and family life amidst the demands of her Unitarian Universalist leadership service and her activism in the wider community and nation.