Five Types of Congregational Growth

Part of Congregational Life Cycles

plants on stacks of money, growing from left to right
  1. Organic Growth - The task of building the community, fashioning the organizational structures, developing the practices and processes that result in a dependable, stable network of human relationships in which we can grow and from which we can make a difference. It is also the physical plant and the staff needed for the size of the congregation.
  2. Maturational Growth - The ability of a congregation to challenge, support and encourage each one of its members to grow in the maturity of their faith, to deepen their spiritual roots, and to broaden their religious imagination. It is also the ability of the congregation as an institution to go deeper into the faith while maintaining the welcoming path for newcomers.
  3. Incarnational Growth - What are the “outputs” of the congregation’s ministry? What is it that the congregation seeks to export from its life back into the life of the world, the social environment in which it exists? What are the good works that we are doing that will make the world a better place?
  4. Growing in Connections- Growing awareness of the importance and relevance of connections, e.g. involvement in cluster, district, regional, and national activities related to the UUA and other connections.
  5. Numerical Growth - Adding new members while maintaining the number of members already within the congregation. Keeping track of losses and understanding why they happen. Changing the things that need to be changed in order to retain healthy members. Never compromising ethics or principals. Understanding that some losses are healthy or inevitable.

Adapted from More Than Numbers: The Way Churches Grow by Loren B. Mead (1993, Alban)