Congregational Life Cycles
Congregations, like any living systems, have a natural life cycle. Many of the patterns of growth and decline are organic, dependent on the resources of time, energy, creativity, and material resources readily available. Sometimes we can shape that cycle with focused energy and creativity. Sometimes the cycle has run its course, and we need to let it go, with love and care.
Each stage is also an opportunity – from emerging, to incorporation and membership, to thriving, to struggling, to renewal, or to decline and possibly dissolution -- to deepen our connections within Unitarian Universalism; to live into our covenantal relationship as an association of congregations.
These resources include tips, tools, and spiritual grounding for each stage, well as guides to navigating the legal and covenantal obligations as a member congregation of the UUA.
But the most important resource is the interpersonal support and relationships that your congregational leaders have with your UUA field and other support staff, and your sibling congregations.