Renewing a Plateauing Congregation

Part of Congregational Life Cycles

Graph showing growth then plateauing of membership numbers

Does your congregation want to grow but feels stuck? Please reach out to your UUA regional congregational life staff — we are happy to be your thought partners!

In the meantime, here are some resources to get you and your leadership team started.

Assess Your Ministry

A comprehensive congregational assessment (.docx) includes topics that typically impact congregational health and vitality. An assessment team (comprised of members of your congregation’s leadership) meet to discuss each topic, either in a retreat setting, or spread out over the course of one or two years. Learn more about assessments.

Develop Your Organizational "Systems Thinking"

There are no quick fixes when developing growth and vitality. Instead, developing your own "big picture" understanding about the relationships between the different parts of your congregation can help you to identify constraints and blockages, and design small-scale interventions. Here are a few resources to get you started:

Congregational Vitality, Growth, and Renewal

From LeaderLab

Your congregation is a complex, living system of relationships and structures that needs the tending by its leaders to thrive. This curated group of resources will help you understand, shape, and grow your faith community.

Congregational Vitality, Growth, and Renewal

UU Institute Trainings

  • Centered Leadership 1 and Centered Leadership 2

LeaderLab Articles


At the bottom of the page is a collection of articles and resources specific to revitalization to help you as you revitalize and grow your congregation to the next level.

Work Toward Covenantal Relationships

Growth and vitality are heavily dependent of the quality and trust of relationships in your congregation. For more on how to develop those areas of your congregation, check out LeaderLab's "Membership and Belonging" section and our robust UU Institute training "Tending Congregational Life:"

Membership and Belonging A Guide to Membership in UU Congregations

From LeaderLab

Membership in UU Congregations is an intentional process of commitment and covenant. This guide provides practices and tools useful in training membership teams and/or professionals.


Tending Congregational Life: Guiding the Membership Journey

By Congregational Life, Unitarian Universalist Association of Membership Professionals

From LeaderLab

Learn to work together to reinforce life-affirming and creative frameworks and use practical tools for welcoming and inclusion, connection and belonging, all as foundational to a membership journey in your congregation grounded in mutuality and consent.

Membership Journey