Stream or Download the 2021 GA Worship

The 2021 General Assembly Sunday Service—the largest annual gathering of UUs joining in worship—is available here for download or on-demand streaming to your congregation

Sunday Service without ASL

Sunday Service with ASL

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If your congregation has a streaming license thru CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International), or if you are only using this video for an in-person gathering with no online component, you may download the video.

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The service includes a collection to benefit MICAH: Milwaukee Inner-city Congregations Allied for Hope. MICAH does community organizing in several key areas, including civic engagement, environment, criminal justice and prison reform, education, jobs and economic development, and transportation. They have a long history of visionary Black leadership, true multi-faith collaboration, and synergistic partnership with frontline communities and organizations. Several Milwaukee-area UU congregations have long-time, deep relationships with MICAH, and have actively participated in MICAH’s organizing and campaigns.