Plenary II
General Assembly 2010 Event 2002
The following final draft script was completed before this event took place; actual words spoken may vary.
Call to Order
[Moderator Gini Courter speaking]
I now call to Order the Second Plenary Session of the Forty-Ninth General Assembly [GA] of the Unitarian Universalist Association [UUA].
Chalice Lighting
Song: "Where Do We Come From?"
[Moderator Gini Courter speaking]
Please welcome the Music Coordinator for this General Assembly, John Hubert.
[John Hubert speaking]
Our song this morning is Where do we come from? with text by Paul Gaugin and music by Canadian composer Brian Tate. It’s 1003 in Singing the Journey. I will teach the three parts first, and then ask you to follow my colleagues, Kellie Walker from Valley UU Church in Chandler, AZ, and Sarah Dan Jones from the Georgia Mountains UU Church for your part.
The first part is: Where do we come from, what are we, where are we going?
The second part is: Where do we come from?
The third part is: Mystery, Mystery, Life is a riddle and a mystery.
Good. Now that we’ve all learned our parts, we’ll begin with Sarah Dan on part one and Kellie and I will bring you in when it’s your time to sing.
I invite you to rise in body or spirit as we sing together.
Business Agenda and Mini-Assemblies for GA 2010
[Moderator Gini Courter speaking]
Right Relationship Team Report
[Moderator Gini Courter speaking]
I call on our Right Relationship Team for a report.
[Moderator Gini Courter speaking]
I now call upon the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, Tom Loughrey, to provide us with some announcements and important information.
[Tom Loughrey speaking]
[Emma’s Revolution performing]
[Moderator Gini Courter speaking]
There being no further business to come before us and in accordance with the schedule set forth in your program book, I declare that this Plenary Session of the General Assembly shall stand in recess until Friday, June 25, 2010, at 8:30 a.m.