Second Movement

Rev. Galen Guengerich.
Using the theme "Second Movement," Rev. Galen Guengerich, minister of All Souls Unitarian Church in New York City spoke of the challenge of moving from 'the first movement'—strategy—into the second, where synthesis occurs. This is the place in life, Guengerich said, where "the making of a coherent whole" can be seen. In life, he observed, as in music, "The problems isn't with finding the variations, but with finding the theme." At its best, he said, "that is what religion helps us do—tie everything together."
Rev. Galen Guengerich"Life is not an agenda to be followed or a lesson to be learned," Guengerich said. "The biggest questions are not about the past or the future, but about the present: why are we here?" The stages of passing through life's movements can be observed, as in music, with the first movement being about agenda-setting; the second and third as being the times when the landscape can be meandered and explored, and the fourth as the time for pulling together.
The main challenge, he said, "[that] you and I face is being here, for each other, as one people."
The service also featured music by Antonio Vivaldi, sung by Nonie Schuster-Donato and Barbara Fusco-Spera, and keyboard music by Normand LeMieux, Music Director of First Universalist Church of Rochester, NY.
Read the full text of the sermon (PDF).
Reported by Debbie Weiner