Configuring the Menus with the UUA WordPress Theme

Your menus are one of the first things you need to set up on your site. General instructions for how to display the Menus page, where you can edit menus, are below, along with a list of the four menus that appear in the UUA Theme.

The Four Menus

The UUA theme has four different menu areas:

  1. Utility (Header) Menu: This navigation is in the top right of the header and in the demo includes links for directions, search, giving, and contact. Details are on the Header Content page.
  2. Footer Menu: The navigation in the footer’s bottom right corner, used primarily for login links, terms of use, privacy policy, etc. Details are on the Footer Content page.
  3. Main Navigation: This is the primary horizontal navigation. Details are on Setting Up the Main Menu.
  4. Left Sidebar Navigation: The menu that appears on the left-hand side of pages. In the UUA Theme, it’s based on the Main Navigation menu (or more precisely, the menu structure you see when you choose Pages on the Dashboard).

Displaying the Menus on the Site

Tell WordPress where to display each of these menus:

  1. Choose Appearance > Menus from the Dashboard. You see the Menus page with the Edit Menus tab selected, shown below.
  2. Click the “Manage Locations” tab. You will see a list of the four menus.
  3. Set “Primary Navigation” to the “Main Menu”.
  4. Set “Utility Navigation” to the “Utility Menu”.
  5. Set “Footer Navigation” to the “Footer Menu”.
  6. Set “Page Navigation” to “Nested Pages”.
  7. Click the “Save Changes” button.

How to Edit Menus

To make changes to a menu:

  1. Choose Appearance > Menus from the Dashboard. You see the Menus page with the Edit Menus tab selected, shown below.
  2. In the “Select a menu to edit” box, choose the menu you want to change and then click Select.
Menus page in the WordPress Dashboard

Follow the instructions below and on the main menu page to add and remove menu items. You can also reoorder menu items by dragging them up and down on the Menu Structure list.

Be sure to click “Save Menu” to save your changes before leaving the Menus page