Setting Up the Header Content in the UUA WordPress Theme
Getting Started
If you are installing the UUA WordPress Theme for Congregations, ask questions here.
The header, which appears on every page (see demo) features:
- the logo, name, and tagline of your congregation
- a directions link, which generates a Google Map and a link to Google Maps directions
- a search link, which generates a search box for your site, powered by Google Search
- a link to your donations page
- a link to your contact form
- Facebook and Twitter icons that link to your congregation’s social media pages
- a space for text that should say when your weekly services take place
- the main navigation menu
To customize these, log in to your site as an administrator and follow the steps below.
Logo, Name, and Tagline of Your Congregation
See Configuring Your Congregation’s Information, Logo, and Colors for instructions, if you haven't already done so.
Directions, Search, Donations, Contact and Social Links: The Utility Menu
These links are on the Utility menu, one of the menus you configure by choosing Appearance > Menus from the Dashboard. Here are instructions for setting it to the UUA’s recommended links. To edit the Utility Menu:
- Choose Appearance > Menus from the Dashboard. You see the Menus page with the Edit Menus tab selected, shown below.
- In the “Select a menu to edit” box, choose the Utility Menu, and click Select.
- Set your Menus page to display the options you’ll need to change. Click Screen Options in the very top righthand corner, check the “CSS Classes” checkbox, and click Screen Options again.

Directions Link
This link displays a Google map to your congregation, using the address you entered on the Appearance > Customize > Congregation Information page. You need to add a “Custom Link” with a special CSS class that displays the map.
Add the Directions link: If it’s not already there, add a menu item called “Directions” (or “Map”). Click “Custom Links” in the lefthand column, enter “#” as the URL, enter “Directions” as a the Link Text, and click Add to Menu.

Set the CSS to display a map: In the righthand Menu Structure column, click the down-arrow next to “Custom Link” for the Directions menu option that you just created. You see these options:

Enter location-toggle in the CSS Classes box.
Search Link
If it’s not already there, add a “Search” menu item in the same way. Click “Custom Links”, give it a null link address (#):, and enter “Search” for the link text:

Then open its Custom Link options in the Menu Structure section and add the CSS class, search-toggle, like this:

Click “Save Menu” to change your changes to the Utility menu.
Give Link
If it’s not already there, add a link to your donations page. (You have to create the page before you can add it to your menu.) Find the page in the Pages list in the lefthand column, click its checkbox, and click “Add to Menu”. If the page has a longer title, you can display a shorter link on the menu: Click the page link in the Menu Structure column and enter the shorter text in the “Navigation label” box.
Contact Link
If it’s not already there, add a link to your “Contact Us” page. Find the page in the Pages list in the lefthand column, click its checkbox, and click “Add to Menu”. If the page has a longer title, you can display a shorter link on the menu.
Social Links (Facebook, etc.)
The Facebook, Twitter, or other social links you find there are set under Appearance > Customize > Social Network Connections. They do not appear on the Edit Menu page. More information is on Configuring Your Congregations's Information, Logo, and Colors.
Other Links
You can add other page links to the Utility Menu, but keep it short and limit it to items of interest to new visitors.
Space for Your Weekly Service Day and Time
See Configuring Your Congregation’s Information, Logo, and Colors for instructions.
The Main Menu
The main navigation menu stretches across the the page at the bottom of the header section, just above the main body content of each page. See Setting Up the Main Menu.
The color of the main menu is controlled by the Theme Color Options; see Configuring Your Congregation’s Information, Logo, and Colors.
Breadcrumbs are enabled using the Yoast SEO plugin. Enable the plugin and then turn on breadcrumbs under Advanced Settings.