Arm in Arm: Interfaith Action to Disarm Our Planet

By Ted Resnikoff

Register Now for the New and Improved UU-UNO Spring Seminar

Registration for the 2017 Intergenerational Spring Seminar of the Unitarian Universalist Association United Nations Office is now open!

The seminar, Arm in Arm: Interfaith Action to Disarm Our Planet, takes place in New York City April 5-8, 2017. Learn about international and local disarmament efforts, hear stories about partnership with people of different faith backgrounds taking action against the armed violence in our world, and gain skills to take action yourself!

Early registration rates are available until Jan. 23, 2017.

This year the UU-UNO Spring Seminar is better than ever!

What's so new and great about this year's Seminar?

  1. Content is action-oriented. You'll learn about the problems facing our world related to the prevalence and use of weapons, AND acquire tools and skills to bring back to your community and take action!
  2. Programming is built around interactive workshops and activities for people with diverse learning styles, and not just panels and speeches.
  3. A special track of programming for ministers is included. This is an opportunity for ministers to learn more about bringing a more global perspective to your ministry and congregational life.
  4. Youth and their Sponsors will lodge at a hostel! (In previous years they've slept on the floor of a local church basement). This means showers, bunk beds, and room keys! Also, most of the seminar sessions will be at event space in the hostel.

What great parts of the Seminar continue from previous years?

  1. High quality speakers and presenters with international expertise and diverse perspectives to educate, inform and inspire seminar participants.
  2. Forming great and lasting relationships with participants from all over the US and Canada from ages 14+ who get to know one another through deep discussion in small Collaboration Groups.
  3. One panel event in a conference room at the United Nations Headquarters which will be broadcast live on UN Web TV for all to see.
  4. Saturday morning worship service and lots more opportunities for community building and connecting to spirituality and Unitarian Universalist faith.

... and so much more!

Learn more about the seminar and register at UN Spring Seminar.
